
    RBS Masters Impact Day 2023

    On the 17th of March 2023, the second edition of RBS Masters Impact Day was held. This yearly event is held to share the impact the RBS Masters create, which mainly happens in collaboration with companies and with our knowledge centres.

    On this day, the Master’s department showed best practices, celebrated successes and facilitated a learning network for all RBS Master stakeholders around the four pillars of the business school: Purpose Economy, Circular Economy, Digitalisation and Leadership.

    The Impact Day is part of the RBS Masters’ strategic plan to evolve as a learning community in which we facilitate all stakeholders of our programmes to connect and share knowledge and experiences. The master programmes are busy preparing a new generation of change-makers who will impact the ability of businesses to thrive and develop their business sustainably.

    The event

    It was great to see many students, alumni, lecturers, partners, research centres and working professionals attend the inspirational sessions. Some of the sessions that were held were; 'The true impact of start ups', international business education', 'collaborative impact' and 'alumni impact' were some of the topics of the sessions. Several sessions were even held by a keynote speaker and supported by our students and lecturers.

    Moreover, the following were showcased:

    • The impact students have in/for the companies they work with during their studies by showing (a selection of) results of IP projects, Pressure cooker events, Living Labs, and Thesis.
    • The impact our alumni have in their current jobs and how this relates back to their studies
    • The impact the RBS Masters and the Research Centres have by presenting results of research projects

    The event was wrapped up with a career networking event which helps maintain and build relationships with the work field.

    Recap of the event

    Our current MCE students Shifarah and Gloria decided to document the impact the students make. The day began with a check-in question, asking what attendees expected from the event. At the end of the day, they asked a check-out to reflect on the day’s experiences and thoughts on the impact the Master programmes have made. Take a look!