Central theme is the role of design(ers) in creating opportunities and practices for citizens, (social) entrepreneurs and policy makers, developing and promoting more liveable, sustainable and sociable urban futures. According to a participatory approach, engaging citizens in the design process of (local) applications of interactive technology in (labs in) their neighborhood, this workshop seeks to engage with the networked people, understand their needs, the tools for empowerment and the role of the designer in these phenomena. This so-called ‘do it yourself’ LoraWAN workshop, students, urban citizens, designers, and policymakers work together to realise a low-fidelity working prototype of a networked (smart) device. The participants are invited to upload their ideas online in a instructable-like environment (Wiki) where all our participants in the near future will be invited to share their concepts and designs with others for re-use or repurposing goals.
Claim your smart citizenship
Publicatiedatum: 22 april 2016The Design & The City conference in April 2016 explores citizen-centered design approaches for the smart city.

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