
    Dashboard for Cyberattacks

    Publicatiedatum: 01 oktober 2015

    Monitoring and evaluating security relevant data in a connected world is an important factor to mitigate and prevent security breaches.

    This is important for private organizations as well as governmental institutions. Institutions bundle security data such as network flow data or data collected by honeypots. This gathered data should be presented to different user groups such as researchers or policymakers in a meaningful way to enable easy understanding of analyses. Although security visualisation is a growing research field, efforts that take mental models into account in developing dashboards, is limited. In this project, we will develop a dashboard prototype by means of an interactive design process and the theory of mental models [1] to present cyber security data in a meaningful way. Based on this design process and the mental model theory, design principles for security dashboard design will be identified. 


    [1] J.K. Doyle and D.N. Ford. “Mental models concepts for system dynamics research,” In System Dynamics Review, 14(1):3–29, 1998; [2] N. Stembert, A. Padmos, M.S. Bargh, S. Choenni and F. Jansen, “A study of preventing email (spear) phishing by enabling human intelligence,” In Proceedings of European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), September 7-9, Manchester, UK, 2015.


    Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie (afdeling WODC), TU Munchen