
    A model of cooperation: the Pact op Zuid information system

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Talentontwikkeling

    F.C.P.P. Spierings | Artikel | Publicatiedatum: 26 mei 2010
    Social work organizations, research institutions, government agencies and housing associations are partners in many urban redevelopment programmes. Combining the interests of these organizations can be an interesting management challenge, and developing information systems to suit the combined information needs of these partners can pose an information management problem. This paper will reflect on the information management issue by analyzing cooperative knowledge production in a case study of “Pact op Zuid”, conducted in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Pact op Zuid is a 1.5 billion euro urban investment programme devised to combat deprivation in an urban area with 190,000 inhabitants over the period 2006 to 2016. This article provides insights into the literature on innovation configurations and learning networks, concepts that are important to understanding the complexity of urban redevelopment with cooperative knowledge production. It discusses how cooperative knowledge production took place in this case study.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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