
    Collection of high graded student papers on innovations in logistics and supply chain management

    Publicatie van IGO

    A.M.R. Vries,de, Rob Martens | Andersoortig materiaal | Publicatiedatum: 31 oktober 2018

    study year 2017-2018

    Contents: Introduction by the supervisors | Analysing the Military Supply Chain using Big Data Analytics by Addy Negulescu and Niels C. Nanning | Big Data and Supply Chain Management by Martin Novak and Youri Verduijn | The impact of Cross Chain Control Centre on supply chains by Sebastiaan van Dijk and Luc Happee | Effects of Customs and Trade Compliance on Supply Chains by Roberts Šnikvalds and Cillari Sandro | Effects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on developing countries by Ryan van der Schilt and Tyron de Windt | The sustainable and circular supply chain of Zara by Daan Ruha and Martin Slob | Managing first, second and third tier suppliers by Arik Prins and Victor van Randwijk | Impact of Cross Chain Control Center on Supply Chains by Tyson de Groot and Yen Cao | The sustainable and circular supply chains by Sjoerd Brand and Montserrat Saab Vallés | Blockchain technology in the supply chain by Roy Nieuwenburg and Vera Olieman Subjects: The impact of 3D printing on traditional Supply Chains | The impact of Cross Chain Control Centre (4C) on supply chains | Supply Chain Finance and Supply Chain Management | Ethics and Supply Chain Management | Big Data and Supply Chain Management | Block chains and Supply Chain Management | Managing first, second and third tier suppliers | The sustainable and circular supply chains | Online shopping: challenge for supply chains? | Effects of customs and trade compliance on Supply Chains (for instance TTIP, CETA) | How to measure the effectiveness of a supply chain?

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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