
    Embedding human values into information system engineering methodologies

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Creating 010

    R. Choenni, P. Waart,van, Geert Haan,de | Artikel | Publicatiedatum: 11 september 2011
    Many people are concerned about how information systems deal with human values such as privacy and trust. In this paper, we discuss the role of human values in the design of information systems. We elaborate on the nature of human values and discuss various approaches on how to address human values, including value-sensitive design, worth-centered design and understanding as an additional step to prepare for systems design. We discuss the meaning of values like 'privacy' and 'trust' in the area of healthcare and public safety. Subsequently, we illustrate our considerations, exemplifying how privacy and trust might be embedded in a healthcare system to monitor dementia patients and how privacy might be embedded in a public safety system. Finally, we discuss how human values may be addressed in the process of developing and implementing information systems.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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