
    Fashion and sustainable purchasing

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Business Innovation

    M.P.N.C. Soyer, K. Dittrich, K.G. Kooy,van der | Pre-print | Publicatiedatum: 15 juni 2019
    How can we persuade consumers to adopt more sustainable purchasing practices (e.g. buying less, buying sustainable items, or choosing for sustainable brands) when it comes to fashion products? With the support of 2nd year International Business Management students, we collected data from 1008 respondents, mostly from Millennials and Generation Z. Based on the results, we conclude that concern about the environment motivates consumers to consume fashion products more sustainable, in particular when reminded of its positive impact. Consumers who are less concerned about the environment can be persuaded to choose the sustainable option when sustainable choices are widely available, when items are competitively priced, and when second-hand garments look like new. This research gives direction to further identification and exploration of the triggers that can persuade consumers to consume more sustainable.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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