
    Letters from dystopian and utopian futures of arts education

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Willem de Kooning Academy

    F. Cramer, C.M. Teran | Boekdeel | Publicatiedatum: 15 december 2020
    Our letters pay homage to the 1890 novel News from Nowhere by William Morris, a major figure in the 19th century British Arts and Crafts movement. Morris’ novel tells the story of a protagonist who wakes up in a better society [the literal “nowhere” of his book title when “utopia” is translated from Greek into English] and who reciprocally informs the future people about the misery from where he came. Our first letter is written from a dystopian, the second from a utopian future of arts education in 2030.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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