
    Use and effect of ergonomic devices in healthcare

    Publicatie van Kenniscentrum Zorginnovatie

    E. Koppelaar | Proefschrift | Publicatiedatum: 07 maart 2013
    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) have a high prevalence with over 75% of the Dutch adults reporting one or more complaints in the past 12 months. In a large population-based study back pain was most prevalent (44%), followed by complaints of neck (31%), shoulder (30%), and arms (23%). The high occurrence of MSD has large economical consequences, due to substantial healthcare utilisation, sickness absence, and permanent disability. About 25% of persons with MSD will take a sick leave and in about 20% of these cases the duration of sick leave will exceed 4 weeks.

    Auteur(s) - verbonden aan Hogeschool Rotterdam

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